
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pierre Herme's Ispahan Cupcakes

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes

 Pierre Hermé's Ispahan Cupcakes
    Adapted from Le livre des fours secs et moelleux de Pierre Hermé      

85g     unsalted butter
60g     icing sugar
85g     almond meal/flour/powder
35g     egg yolk (about 1.5 egg)
20g     whole egg
15g     milk
3g       rose essence
45g     cake flour

45g     egg white (about 1.5 egg)
20g     castor sugar
25g     raspberries


Cream butter until fluffy. Add the icing sugar and ground almonds together, mixing until well combined.
Add in the egg yolk, followed by the whole egg. 

Add the rose essence into the milk, and add red coloring if desired. Add this milk mixture into the butter mixture above, combining well.
In a clean mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until foamy. Add the castor sugar and continue beating the egg whites until stiff peaks are achieved.

Add a third of the stiff egg whites into the milk-butter mixture to lighten. Then, fold in the remaining egg white until no white streaks are left.
Pour the batter into your prepared pans. Pour until the pan is half full, before adding the raspberries in the centre and filling the pan to about 80% full.

Place the rack at the middle tier and bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for about 45 minutes for the cake or 20 minutes for cupcakes. When the top turns a light golden brown and a cake tester comes out clean, the cake is done.

Yours sincerely br/>
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


  1. Morning Ady.sedapnya nampak cupcake ni.Kak ros tengah minum kopi ni .hulur la sebiji.

  2. Salam Abg Ady,
    siti memang teruja bila nampak cup cake ni...sebab tu gelar umi's cupcake..nampak sedap je...masuk list dulu ya...

  3. Ady,
    Simple & cantik kek ni. Nanti nak cubalah...

  4. Selamat pagi Ady..
    waaa...betul2 menggiurkan...fengsan gue tengok..umm nyum nyum nyum..

  5. aslmkm bro..wahhhh pagi2 mata i dh terjojol tgk cc nih, siap dgn blackberry tu yg i x tahan tu..

  6. Assalamualaikum abg ady...
    cantiiik sesgt CC yang abg ady buat nie... mmg mengoda tgknya.. kalau ler dpt makan nie.. alangkah bahagianya... mmg nmpk sedap!!

  7. as salam abg ady...
    terbelit lidah nk menyebut cc cc ni mesti sedap...

  8. wah nmpk sedap...terliur tgk...boleh cuba nti ni..yumyum..

  9. geram tengok buah raspberry tu...rasa nak ngap jek...hehehe

  10. terasa2 je raspberry tu dlm mulut ni hah..sedapnyaaaaa.hehe

  11. Assalam ady..rasberry kat atas tu..menguatkan kak untuk mencuba cupcake ni..nanti kena cari rasberry dulu..

  12. Assalamualaikum Ady,
    geramnya tngk cupcake ni..buat yatie terliur je..bila free nanti nak wat gaklah...tq..

  13. Menggoda tul cupcake ni Ady...mesti sedap ni kan...

  14. aslmkum ady.. nmpk sungguh moist CC ni.. dgn rabry lagi.. droolingg....

  15. Assalamualaikum Ady,

    Salam Maal Hijrah buat Ady seisi keluarga...alamak lagu kak Nur waktu muda2 nie...ish tapi tk tau penyanyi nya...kalau hubby kak nur mesti dier tau..haha...

    Very nice cupcake with raspberry topping..anak kak Nur suker bab berries nie...kak nur tk suka aah yg masam2...suka yg manis2...mmg kak nur suka cari penyakit...hehe!!

    You can get that mould tu kat Tott...jln2 la Ady kat sana mesti rambang mata kalau boleh kak Nur nk pinjam lori penyamun ali baba dpt rembat semua..hehe...

  16. Salam..wahhhh cantik betul cc ni ngan blueberry kat atas tu...mesti sedap ni

  17. menarik tgk cup cake ni...nampak pun dah tau sedap ni:)
