
Friday, April 20, 2012

Beef Chow Fun/Stir-Fry Rice Noodles with Beef

Beef Chow Fun/Stir-Fry Rice Noodles with Beef
Resepi : My Kitchen Snippets Here
10 oz fresh rice noodles
½ pound flank steak
1 medium onion – sliced thinly
2 cups bean sprout
5 slices ginger
3 cloves garlic – finely chopped
3 spring onions – cut into 1” length

Seasoning for the beef:
1 tsp corn starch
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp pepper

Seasoning for the Noodles:
2 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp thick dark soy sauce
¼ cup chicken stock or water
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Sliced the flank steak thinly across the grain and marinate it with the seasoning. Set it aside for half and an hour.2. Cut the rice noodles into half inch thick and rinse it over warm water to remove any access oil. If you are using rice noodles that already been refrigerated you need to soften them up in the microwave for 2 minutes before washing it. Set it aside.3. Combined the seasonings for the noodles in a bowl and set it aside.4. Heat up the wok over high heat. Add in 2 tbsp of oil and add in the beef. Lay them flat, do not stir it until they are sear and brown before flipping it over to the over side. Let it sear the other side. Remove from the wok and set aside. This will only take a minute on each side.5. In the same wok add in another 1 tbsp of oil into the wok. Add in the ginger, garlic and onion. Stir-fry until fragrant and lightly brown.6. Add in the rice noodles, stir fry them for a minutes. Add in the seasoning mix and continue to stir-fry for another 1 minutes. Add in the spring onions and bean sprouts. Toss and stir until well mix. Check seasonings.7. When the taste is to your liking, add in the beef. Give it a good stir and mix well for about 30 seconds. Turn off the heat and serve immediately.
Yours sincerely

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


  1. Assalamualaikum Ady,
    hidangan pagi ini ye.... langkah kanan ni, belum sarapan lagi...bolehlah tumpang sepinggan! Jangan lupa minuman panas sekali ye Ady.....sedapnya!

  2. Salam, Ady.. kita memang peminat setia kuey toew, bak marilah sepinggan.. sedapnya lahai..

  3. assalamualikum Ady

    amboi.. dia muji lempeng kosong kita, walahemah sarapan dia lagi best... i like kuey teaw goreng too

  4. As'salam Ady

    Lagi sekali jiran tetangga buat menu fav k.ct kuey teow..perghhh. tengok gambar jer dah 2-3 kali dok telan2 air liur belum merasa lagi ni..tang taugeh tu kena susun tepi pinggan lah jawabnya..hehehe

  5. alamak ady..sedapnya..suka kuetiau..lama jugak tak makan nih....ada lain skit dari biasa sebab guna daging ye...wahhh bleh try ni...berseni sungguh hasil gorengan ni ady..rasa nak ngap je...hehehhe

  6. mak aii... fav k.gee nih...i like !!

  7. wau.. ada kuetiaw.fav kakna ni.tak kira masak apa kuetiaw ni memang fav kakna.

  8. Assalamualaikum ady...
    lama tak mengintai dapur ni..jenguk2 ada pulak kuetiaw..ucu suka makan taugel segar macam yg ady masak tu..

  9. sedapnya ady ... teringin dah ni. kat sini tak jumpa la rice noodles

  10. Assalam Ady,
    dah lama akak tak singgah kedapur Ady ni..
    harap Ady serta keluarga sehat hendaknya..
    beef noodles macam ni memnag favourite my hubby sebab ada beef..heheh nampak sedap lah ady..boleh cuba one day..

    Ady akak nak ucapkan terimaksih for the supoort you have given me during my down period tempoh hari..thank you for being my friend ya..really apprciate it so much..
