
Friday, March 22, 2013

Ghee Cake

Ghee Cake

All Purpose Flour-2 cups
 Baking Powder-1 tsp
 Baking Soda-1/4 tsp
 Pure Ghee- 250gms
 Powdered Sugar-250gms

 Eggs-4 nos(Yellow and White separated)
 ButterMilk-1/2 cup
 Sugar-2 tsp
 Vanilla Essence-1/2 tsp

Method of Preparation:
 1. In a bowl sift together APF, Baking powder and Baking Soda.

2. In another bowl, beat together ghee and powdered sugar with an electric beater on medium speed until light and fluffy. Then add egg yolks one at a time, beating well after each inclusion.

3. With the beater on low speed, alternately add flour and milk to Ghee mixture, beginning and ending with flour.
4. In another bowl whisk egg whites, then gradually add 2 tsp sugar and vanilla essence and continue to beat until stiff. Fold egg white mixture in to the ghee mix.
5. Pour in to a well-greased cake tin and bake in a preheated oven of 350F for 50-55 minutes, or till a wooden skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


  1. Salam Ady..punya la cantek teksture kek gee ni...ingatkan buat kek guna butter jer...rupa2nya guna gee pun boleh...nanti bole la kita try resepi ni,tenkiu ea..

  2. hooray...ohh laa...laaa...
    pcik Ady buat kek sapi ehh bukan, kek minyak sapi...sedapnye. Rasa camne pcik? cam makan nasik berani kerr??? (pertanyaan ikhlas dari baby Izz berkat tunjuk ajar ibunya

  3. salam bro ady..klu guna gee lagi wangi kan..nnt zila nk try jgk..hubby zila nie minat btl mkn kek..

  4. salam Bro ady..kelihatan moist keknya ni..baunya mesti lemak harumkan..

  5. the cake look really nice. I wonder hows the taste?
