
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nigella's Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Muffins

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes

  Nigella's Chocolate
Chocolate-Chip Muffins

(recipe souce : adapted from SSB with minor changes)
*makes 12-14 muffins

 250g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
 1/2 tsp baking soda
 2 tbsp good quality cocoa powder
 170g caster sugar

 150g chocolate chips (save 1/4 of the chips for sprinkling, i use twist white choc and chocolate chips)
 200ml milk
 80ml vegetable oil
 1 large egg
 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

 1. Preheat the oven to 200 deg C (next time I will reduce to 180-190c).
 2. Put the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa, sugar, and 3/4 of the chocolate chips into a large bowl and mix well.
 3. Pour all the liquid ingredients into a measuring jug and mix well.

 4. Mix the dry and wet ingredients together with slow and gentle strokes. Stop stirring once the last traces of flour disappear. Do not overmix. A lumpy batter will ensure the muffins stay moist and fluffy.
 5. Spoon the batter into paper muffin cases.
 6. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 chocolate chips on top and bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins are dark, risen and springy.

Best regards,,
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,



  1. salam ady...wah rajinnya buat kek..dah lama betul tak makan kek coklat....teringin gak nak makan..tapi nak yg versi kek karamel coklat..hehhehe

  2. Great looking muffin sama macam tuan dia.Bak sebiji wat sarapan

  3. wahh..wahhhh ady, sungguh lazat nmpk muffin cokelat ni..walla

  4. Salam Ady..Oh oh oh..mapin ni nampak sangat moisttttt...kaya dengan choc....Betul2 tak tahan nak menelannya..Tapi terpaksalah telan air liur jeeeee...Harus simpan ini resipi....Minta izin yaaa kopipes..

  5. ada banyak sebab saya suke menjenguk blog abg ady...
    1. gambarnya superb!
    2. props yang cantek!
    3. yang ni takleh tahan ni..lagu2nya tu layan betol la...syok pulak lama2 dengar...

    nampak moist betol mapin tu...masuk list dulu...hihih

  6. moistnyer muffin tu ady.. k.nor copy & save dulu resipi ya.. tq :)

  7. salam... wah muffin dalam bakullll .. macam nak bawa pergi picnic.. :))..namapk gebusshh je muffin ni...nanti nak cuba

  8. Beautifully presented. These are truly decadent.

  9. Wah Ady...sedapnya muffin tu..anak2 Nasya mesti suka nih...emmm mintak sikit boleh???

  10. nak bawak lari semua muffin tuh...mengancam betul kan..

  11. Sedapnya Ady...sesape yg coklat addict confirm tak cukup sebiji makan ni...:D

  12. Terliur nya tgk muffin Ady nii...! :)

  13. Salam Ady
    nampak sedap sangat mufin coklat tu...sedap wat minum petang...

  14. As'salam Ady

    maaf lama tak BW, tapi malam ni ada rezeki singgah kesini alhamdulillah dapat tinggal komen.

    yang penting muffin ni nampak sangat cantik, teruja sekejap dengan gambar2 yang cantik. esok masuk s'pore boleh buatkan lagi tak..?? hehehehe

  15. Looks so moist and delicious..great with a cup of tea.

  16. Malam Ady,

    eh tuan rumah mesti dh tidur nie...lambat pulak kak nur sampak kali ini...rasanya by this time muffin pun dh ilek....dh lama kak nur tk mkn muffin.

  17. menariknya muffin ni...perfect dan semestinya sedap ni:)

  18. Assallamualaikum Ady.
    Salam perkenalan. Tq sudi drop by blog Naz. Eh! Wall papper blog kita samalah..

    Muffin Ady ni nampak sungguh gebu dan very2 moist.. tertarik!

  19. comelnya muffin tu abg ady... geram diana tgk tau... cantik!

  20. first time masuk dapur ni...
    tak sangka sungguh!!!! talented lah!

  21. Nampak sgt sedap. Cantik sahaja rupa kek cawan ini.


    Azie Kitchen
