
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chunky Chocolate – Candy Cookies

Chunky Chocolate – Candy Cookies 
125g butter,softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ¼ cups (275g) firmly packed brown sugar
1 egg
1 cup(150g) plain flour 
¼ cup (35g) self-raising flour
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/3 cup (35g)cocoa powder
½ cup (100g)peanut M&M
1/3 cup(70g) mini M&M
75g milk eating chocolate , chopped into pieces
 1 . Preheat oven to 180*C/160*C fan-assisted . Grease two oven trays ; line with baking parchment .
2 . Beat butter, extract, sugar and egg in small bowl with electric mixer until smooth (do not overmixed). Transfer mixture to large bowl ; stir in sifted dry ingredients then all chocolates .

3 . Drop level tablespoon of mixture onto trays about 5cm apart.
4 . Bake cookies about 10 mins . Stand cookies on trays 5minutes ;transfer to wire rack to cool.
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


  1. Ini yang akak panggil hitam2 sitampok manis..sungguh pun hitam it fonger licking good...I LIKE

  2. ni budak2 suka, mak budak lagi suka! hehehe

  3. Pagi Ady.. masih ada ngga cookies nya.. anak2 di rumah pasti suka cookie ini . ;)

  4. As'salam Ady

    ada sekutlah datang kat sini, rezeki ni boleh tapau bawak balik rumah..hehehe. tak pernah lagi cuba buat cookies ni Ady, teringin juga nak mencuba nanti.

  5. bestnya cookies! cantik pun cantik degan M&M

  6. oishii sou
    ni kalo buat sekajap jer lincin ni

  7. wow...awesome cookie!! Feel like grabbing right from the screen!! I would love to see your sweet & romantic recipes for my ''Valentine's Day Event'' :)

  8. wow,sedapnya...dah lama tak buat kukis..hari tu buat utk order CNY..ada la tinggal sikit utk seisi rumah ni..rasa tak puas pulak.

  9. Asalamualaikum abg ady.. Sedapp ler tgk cookies tu.. Baru jer berangan nak buat cookies dalam minggu nie.. Sedapnya..

  10. Salam Ady..rajinnya buat cookies..mesti sedap ni..

  11. whoaaa..keemasan..sekut CNY ke ni? ..onggg laaiii...

    mesti rangup kan..nak sebalang pos kat sini ya..heee

  12. Rajinnya mengkukis....sedapnya...makan2 sambil2 tgk tv best ni...:)

  13. adyyyy...nak sebalang...kekeke..sedapnya..cantik warna coklat dia hitam pekat...

  14. Wahhhh adyyy..Menarik nampaknya ni.. Masuk list ye.. Nak cuba jugak ni buat kudapan utk anak2 di rumah ni...

  15. Assalam Ady,
    wah cookies ni nampka menarik ni..boleh masuk list nia ady..
    this cookies is it crunchy or chewy ya?..boleh masuk list ni ady..thanks for the recipe ya..

  16. Aslmkum Ady.cookies coklat sedapnya kunyah.kalau kat rumah sure kejap je licin cuma mamanya malas nak buat...rajin membeli..
