
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Teochew Steamed Fish 潮州式清蒸鱼

Teochew Steamed Fish  潮州式清蒸
(Serves 2-4)
- 1 medium whole fish (such as white pomfret) – I ask the fishmonger to clean it for me
 - 6 slices of ginger
 - 1 slice of ginger, cut to thin strips, as thinly as you can
 - 1 chilli padi (aka bird’s eye chili), sliced (adjust or omit to your liking)
 - 1-2 medium tomato, cut to small wedges
 - 2 shiitake mushrooms, stems removed, sliced thinly
 - 80g salted vegetables, sliced thinly (roughly 1 to 1.5cm lengthwise)
 - 2 salted plums (kalau tak ada ni blh guna plum sauce)
- 1 tbsp light soy sauce
 - 5 tbsp water (adjust according to your preference. For example, if you don’t want any “broth” then lessen the water. Lessen light soy sauce if you’re adding less water)
 - spring onions (scallions), sliced thinly to wispy strips (to garnish, optional)
 1. Place 2 slices of ginger inside the fish cavity. Place 4 ginger slices, half of the shiitake mushrooms and half of the salted vegetables to line the bottom of a deep plate.
 2. Make two diagonal cuts along the body of the fish (the fleshy part) on both sides. Place fish in the plate, on top of the earlier ingredients you added.
 3. Drizzle light soy sauce over the fish. Keep in fridge (covered) for at least 30 minutes if you can.
 4. When you are ready to steam the fish, add water and scatter the rest of the ingredients (ginger strips, salted plums, tomatoes, remaining salted vegetables & mushrooms) over the fish and around the plate.
 5. Steam on high heat for roughly 15 minutes – the water in the steamer should be boiling before the fish goes in, and the duration stated for steaming should start only from that moment.* Note: The bigger the fish, the longer it takes . Do not over-steam as the meat will become tough. For the fish shown in the photo, it was cooked nicely with 15 minutes of steaming. Garnish with spring onions strips and serve with porridge or rice.

Best regards,
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,



  1. sedapnya ady..ikan kukus..dah lama betul tak masak ikan kukus...

  2. Assalam Ady,
    pepagi lagi kak iza dah dtg ketuk pintu umah ady nih..
    sedaappnyer ikan kukus teochew..kak iza suka ikan masak kukus mcm nih..ambik resepi dulu eh ady

    p/s, rasa tak nak kluar pulak, tengah seronok dengar lagu ombak rindu..jln criternya pun cukup menyentuh perasaan

  3. Assalam ady, nampak menarik dan sangat sedap ikan kukus teochew itu, lapar pula di pagi hari ni

  4. wahhhh...boleh dicuba nih..satu rumah antu yang kukus2 gini..laju ajer makan..

  5. mmg best menu ni..boleh di katakan menu utk org yg sdg berdiet..tapi akak tak..jadi boleh lah akak perabiskan satu pinggan ni sekaligus.hehe

  6. Assalamualaikum Ady,
    uwaaaaa ikan kukus sungguh menyelerakan..sedap ni ratah2 gitew je....tq berkongsi resepi..

  7. best nih, kami juga suka makan steam fish nih. senang mau buat nya tak banyak kerja . hehe

  8. nak diet lah...a.ady tolong kukuskan 2 ekor utk ucu n Pak su sbb kami ni dah terlebih maju ke depan...(airbag...hihi)

  9. steamed fish mmg favourite! sekor pun boleh habis sorang hehehe

  10. salam ady...bestnya kalau dapt ratah ikan steam ni....ala2 menu diet ni...

  11. Salam Ady,memang sedap sangat klu ikan cam ni dikukus..gue suka.

  12. gambar yg mmg superb!!! meleleh tgk sis...sedapnya...

  13. suke sgt ikan xpnh try resepi mcm ni..rajin betol abg ady deco2...susun lagi daun bawang tu...heheh

  14. Ermm.. sedapnya ikan stim.. Naz suka sbb isinya lembut jer.

  15. abg ady...
    ikan kukus sememangnya sedaaap... nampak menyelerakan sungguh ikan tu ... sedap!
