
Friday, December 13, 2013

Pisang Goreng Oat – Fried Banana Oat

Pisang Goreng Oat – Fried Banana Oat 
  NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES OR IDEAS, it's not cool AND it's illegal!!
5 bananas (Indonesian: pisang), typically we use pisang kepok or pisang raja, but you can use regular banana in a pinch
instant oat, for coating
oil, for deep frying
Coating batter
5 tablespoon all purpose flour
3 tablespoon rice flour
2 tablespoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt
200 ml water
Combine all coating batter ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Peel bananas and cut each into two. Make three slices along its length, but keep the bottom 1 inch intact, so it can be opened up like a fan.
Heat enough oil in a pot for deep frying.
Dip the bananas into the batter then roll on oat to fully coat the banana. Fry until golden brown and crispy, about 3-4 minutes. Remove and drain on paper towel or wire rack. Serve immediately. 

***Happy Friday, friends! ***

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


  1. Ada lagi tak banana goreng oat tu Ady... nampak sedaplah pulak!

  2. Nampak ranggup sangat abg ady...kena cuba ni sbb ada oat

  3. salam ady.... wow sedap betul tengok goreng pisang oat tu... maveles...

  4. salam sihatnya makan pisang goreng oats.. tak pernah terlintas nak buat ...

  5. salaam ady, mesti crunchy pisang goreng ni kan ..

  6. Salam Ady, idea baru nih...selalunya kalau ada oats yg berbaki terbiar begitu saja. Next time boleh cuba buat goreng pisang mcm ni. :)

  7. Assalamualaikum ady..crunchy sungguh nampak pisang tu....
