
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sayur Asem

Sayur Asem

All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool aND it's illegal!.
500 gram jackfruit, boil untill soft,and cut into bite sizes
500 gram chayote (Indonesian: labu siam), peeled, cored, and cut into bite sizes
150 gram melinjo nuts (Indonesian: buah melinjo)
150 gram melinjo leaves (Indonesian: daun melinjo)
100 gram snake bean (Indonesian: kacang panjang), cut into 2 inches lengths
100 gram small corn (Indonesian: jagung muda), each cut into two
1 tomato, quartered
1½ liter water
2 lemon grass (Indonesian: sereh), bruised
8 fresh bay leaves (Indonesian: daun salam)
25 gram galangal (Indonesian: lengkuas), peeled and bruised
60 gram palm sugar (Indonesian: gula Jawa)
20 gram tamarind pulp (Indonesian: asam Jawa)
1 tablespoon salt
Grind the following into spice paste
10 red chilie
10 chilie padi
5 shallots
3 cloves garlic
5 candlenuts
1 inch fresh ginger, peeled
1 inch fresh turmeric, peeled (or about 1 teaspoon turmeric powder)
10 gram (about ½ tablespoon) shrimp paste (Indonesian: terasi)
Boil water in a soup pot, then add the spice paste, lemon grass, bay leaves, galangal, palm sugar, tamarind pulp, and salt and cook for 3-5 minutes or until fragrant.
Add the melinjo nuts and melinjo leaves and cook for 10 minutes on medium heat.
Add jackfruit, chayote, snake beans, corns, and tomatoes and cook for another 15-20 minutes or until all vegetables are tender and cooked through. Adjust salt as needed. Remove from heat and serve warm.

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


  1. Salam Ady...
    waaa...dah lama kita merasa sayur asem ni...tengok sayur Ady ni kita terus terliur la...

  2. Wow abang ady..sayur asem yang ohsem...tq so much..

  3. Assalam Ady,
    waduh ada sayur asem deh disini..
    nanti mbak singgah ya..:)
