
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jeruk Mangga

Jeruk Mangga
NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool aND it's illegal!a

3-4 mangga - Kupas dan belah buah mangga
15 biji asam boi
15 tangkai cili padi -dihiris (nak pedas blh tambahkan)
1cawan gula - (nak lebih pun blh)
sedikit garam - sedikit je..
1 biji limau nipis- potong nipis
1 biji lemon - potong nipis 
Gaulkan mangga dengan semua bahan2. Simpan dalam peti ais dalam 4-5 jam. Siap untuk dimakan.
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fruits Tart...lagi dan lagi....

Fruits Tart
Resepi CMG
NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool aND it's illegal!a

150 gram tepung halus
25 gram gula aising, diayak
70 gram mentega sejuk, didadu kecil
1 biji telur, dipukul sedikit
1/2 camca teh esen vanilla
1 cawan susu segar
1 1/2 camca besar tepung kastard
1 1/2 camca besar gula halus
1 camca teh esen vanilla
1 camca besar mentega

Buah starwberry segar
Buah peach, hiris
(suka hati kita nak letak buah apa2 pun blh ya)
Piping jelly- yg ni ady tak gunakan..
UNTUK KULIT TART :- Gaul tepung, gula aising dan mentega sejuk hingga menjadi teksture seakan2 serbuk roti, guna hujung jari saja. Tuang esen vanilla dan masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit dan digaul hingga menjadi doh. Rehatkan sekejap. Sediakan acuan tart, ambil doh tadi sebesar duti 20 sen dan tekan dalam acuan tat dan bentukkan mengikut acuan tadi dan kemaskan. Buat hingga siap, cucuk sikit degan garfu pada dasar doh dan bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 180C selama 25 minit. Biar sejuk sebentar dan keluarkan dari acuan. Sejukkan atas jaringan dan boleh simpan dalam bekas kedap udara untuk kegunaan kemudian. 
UNTUK KASTARD :- Satukan semua bahan untuk kastard kecuali mentega dan esen vanilla, dalam periuk. Kacau dengan whisk hingga semua sebati. Masak atas api kecil hingga kastard pekat, kacau selalu. Matikan api, masukkan esen vanilla dan mentega. Kacau rata dan ketepikan sebentar, biar sejuk sedikit.
UNTUK FRESH FRUIT TART :- Buah strawberry dipotong 2 atau ikut saiz kulit tart, begitu juga buah peach. Ambil satu kulit tart, sapu sedikit coklat cair pada dasarnya, kemudian sudukan kastard 1/2 penuh. Susun buah strawberry dan kiwi tadi. Beruskan dengan sedikit piping jelly pada permukaan buah dan tepi kulit tart.  Buat kaedah sama untuk baki kulit tart dan buah2an segar tadi. Boleh hidangkan. Sesuai untuk majlis formal atau santai. Boleh juga disimpan dalam peti sejuk.
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mee Tha Bak (Mee Chendol) Goreng Thai

Mee Tha Bak (Mee Chendol) Goreng Thai
resepi : Sajian Bersama Ibu Manja Noraini Ibu Manja

NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool aND it's illegal!a…

1kg Mee Tha Bak (Mee Chendol)
200gm udang sederhana (dibuang kulit)
200gm isi ayam dipotong kecil

Bahan Kisar*
15-20 tangkai cili padi* (boleh ditambah atau dikurangkan ikut citarasa masing-masing)
4 ulas bawang putih* (dikisar halus)
1 batang lobak (carrot) dihiris halus
50sen daun bawang (potong sebesar 2 inci)
30sen daun kucai (potong sebesar 2 inci)
15-20 helai daun selasih
2 sudu makan kicap pekat (kicap manis aje)
2 sudu makan sos tiram
3 sudu makan minyak sos ikan Thai
Garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya
sedikit minyak untuk menumis 
Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan2 kisar hingga garing & masukkan isi ayam & udang. Dah 1/2 masak, masukkan semua sos, garam & serbuk perasa & kacau rata. Masukkan sayur & mee, sedikit air kalau perlu & gaul rata. Siap untuk dihidangkan. Hidangkan semasa panas. Untuk mencantikkan hidangan bolehlah dihiasi dgn hirisan cili merah dan daun selasih. Sedaaaaapppp."
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Monday, October 6, 2014

Talam Seri Medan

Talam Seri Medan
NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool aND it's illegal!a… 
resepi by : kak Faeez BitterSweetSpicy
50g palm sugar (gula Melaka) + 25ml plain water
60g rice flour
25g tapioca or sago flour
70g granulated sugar
200ml diluted coconut milk (I used 50ml coconut milk from the box & added 150ml water.)
125g (2 medium) bananas (pisang raja or berangan) - mashed
1/2 to 1 medium banana, diced - I added.
brown colouring
1/2 tsp salt

Combine palm sugar  & water  in a saucepan & cook until the sugar melts. Strain & set aside.
Combine palm sugar syrup, rice flour, tapioca flour, sugar, coconut milk & salt in a bowl & mix thoroughly. Strain & add in mashed & diced bananas & colouring. Mix until well-blended.
Pour mixture into a saucepan & cook on low fire (on the stove), stirring continuously until the mixture thickens slightly & steam starts to appear.
Pour mixture into a pan lined with silicone baking paper. (Read notes below.)
Steam for 15 minutes over medium fire.
Once cook, scratch the top of kuih gently with a folk before pouring the mixture for the top layer. 
20g sago pearls - I added 75g.
200ml thick coconut milk (I used 150ml coconut milk in the box & mix with 50ml water.)
35g rice flour
15g tapioca or sago flour
1/2 tsp salt
*100g sago pearls- I added to put on the top layer…(suka2 je letak)
Cook the sago pearls in boiling water until they become transparent. Strain & rinse under running water until they cool down. Set aside.
Combine coconut milk, rice & tapioca or sago flour & salt in a bowl. Mix throughly. Then strain & add in cooked sago pearls. Mix until well blended.
Pour mixture onto the cooked bottom layer & steam for 4min and added the 100g pearls on top and steam again for 20 minutes.
Remove pan from the steamer & allow to cool completely. Cut the kuih using a plastic knife. 
Notes & modifications:
The above recipe is only 1/4 of the original recipe.
I used a mess tin measuring 7 x 5 1/4 inch (18 x 13 1/2 cm ) for my kuih. You may also use  6 x 6 inch (15 x 15 cm) pan. The kuih is 3cm tall, 2cm for bottom & 1cm for the top layer. If you want to make it in a 8 x 8 inch pan, I suggest you double up the above recipe.
In all, I used a box (200ml) of coconut milk.
The pan must be greased or lined so that it's easy to release the kuih from the pan. Traditionally, the pan is greased with oil & heated up before the kuih mixture is poured into the pan. Now, it's a common practice to line the pan with a plastic, so one only needs to lift up the plastic to release the kuih from the pan. I think that's a great idea except, I'm not comfortable with cooking with the plastic. So I would usually line my pan with silicone paper (siliconised baking paper) for my steam kuih.
When removing the steamer cover, lift it carefully so that water from the cover does not drip onto the cooked kuih. If there's any water drips on the kuih, dab it gently with a kitchen paper towel or damp kitchen towel. 

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,