
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tie Dye Cupcake

Tie Dye Cupcake
adapted :Cupcake Project
Making and Baking "Tie-Dye Cupcakes" with my daughter Fiah Nur and Nur Sara..(anak saudara) they had so much fun decorating own cupcakes..
1 cup sugar
1 vanilla bean
1 3/4 cup cake flour
1 1/2 tea. baking powder
1/2 tea. baking soda
1/2 tea. salt
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
2 eggs
1/3 cup sour cream (I used non-fat Greek yogurt)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vanilla
2/3 cup whole milk
Gel food color paste in neon yellow, orange, green, pink, purple, blue& chocolate

Preheat the oven to 350 F.
Add the sugar to a small bowl. Split open the vanilla bean and scrape out the seeds with a paring knife. Smush the vanilla seeds in the sugar and set aside.
In the bowl of a mixer add the flour, powder, soda, and salt, mix slowly with the paddle attachment. Add the vanilla sugar and mix together. Add the butter and beat for several minutes until the mixture becomes nice and crumbly.
While the mixer is mixing, whisk together the sour cream, oil, and vanilla. Pour this in the mixer and combine.Slowly add the milk in and turn on high for a few seconds.
Divide the batter between 4 small bowls and add a squirt of food coloring to each.
Mix the color in and then add tablespoon dollops to the cupcake liners. I varied the order of color so all the cupcakes would look different.
If you have batter left over, just add it to cupcake liners that look a little empty. This is a messy process, but totally worth it!
Bake 14-17 minutes until a toothpick in a center cupcake comes out clean. Cool on cooling rack.Buttercream Icing
1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine softened
Easy-Add clear vanilla extract
Add to shopping list clear vanilla extract
1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract
Easy-Add clear vanilla extract
Add to shopping list clear vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar (approximately 1 lb.)
2 tablespoons milk Makes:
About 3 cups of icing.
Step 1
In large bowl, cream shortening and butter with electric mixer. Add vanilla. Gradually add sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl often. When all sugar has been mixed in, icing will appear dry. Add milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy. Keep bowl covered with a damp cloth until ready to use.
Step 2
For best results, keep icing bowl in refrigerator when not in use. Refrigerated in an airtight container, this icing can be stored 2 weeks. Rewhip before using.
Step 3
For thin (spreading) consistency icing, add 2 tablespoons light corn syrup, water or milk.
Step 4
For Pure White Icing (stiff consistency), omit butter; substitute an additional 1/2 cup shortening for butter and add 1/2 teaspoon No-Color Butter Flavor. Add up to 4 tablespoons light corn syrup, water or milk to thin for icing cakes.


  1. salam ziarah... seronokkan baking dengan anak2... habis berkecah dapur dibuatnya..

  2. nani nak ambil la resepi buttercream tu. senang pulak caranya.

  3. assalam
    sweet cc Ady ngan anak2 ni
    akak suka dgn taburan manik2 kecik, bertambah selera anak2

  4. Salam abg ady! suke dgn BC :D cantek2 deconyer, kita tak berapa pandai nak deco2 kek, kalau main tenyeh2 kita suke ehehe.... seronok kan kalau buat project dgn ank2 :-) ank2 da besar tak pe kalau yg kecik2 ni last2 kita yg lepak dgn nak kemas daponyer yg mcm rumah terbalik hihihi..

  5. Slmt berhujung minggu Ady.tomeinya cc letak bc.....memikat hati kanak2 ni....

  6. asslm bro ady...
    wah mbaking dgn anak yer...pandainya anak dara tu mbaking yer...cntik kjadian cc tu semua...nk 1 boleh...nk mkn sambil mlayan lagu2 jiwang kt sini...hehehe

  7. Ady...
    Akak tabik betul le..akak pun tak rajin dan pandai buat kek macam Ady...bertuah ye isteri Ady...:)

  8. Petang Ady,
    baguslah anak-anak dara tu dapat pendedahan awal bab baking membaking hi...selamat berhujung minggu Ady!

  9. Aslmkm. Amboi best nya daddy yg melayan anak2 main cupcake... minta seketoi utk Liana....

  10. salam Ady,
    Ramai kakitangan kat dapur..meriah tu,semeriah cake dlm cup tu..nmpak lazat mcm eskrem..

  11. rajinnya ady...anak2 pun join sekali la gitu..boleh dijadikan aktiviti sekeluarga..hehehhe...saya bab icing ni memang malas skit nak buat..dia kalau buat tu sebab dah teringin sgt2 nak makan icing...kekekek

  12. salam bro ady..wahhh rajinnn2..kita pun x sempat2 lg nk buat..entah bila la nk rajin nie..cantik..nk kutip jew manik tu satu2..masuk mulut..he hhehe

  13. Cantik nya cup cake nya, pasti ur girl suka yah bisa bantu buat cup cake yg cantik ini.. ;)

  14. Assalam Ady,
    wah anak2 memang suka kalau diberi chance baking2 ni..
    anak2 akak pun gitu juga..tapi bab nak kemas balik tu pening kepala..hahah berkecah dibuatnya....tapi kenapa dipanggil tye & dye cupcakes it becuase using 2 tones of colours in the buttercream tu ke?..

  15. Sedapnya Cup Cake tu...banyak creamnya..suke3x.

  16. Salam...
    nak tanya, kat mana nak beli whole milk?

    1. Waalaikumsalam siti khadijah.. whole mik blh di beli dikedai menbuat barang2 cake..
