
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Best Pineapple Tarts

Best Pineapple Tarts
 All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!

350g butter
100g condensed milk or sweetened creamer
510g plain flour / all purpose flour
2 egg yolks
1 egg yolk +1tsp milk, for egg wash
700g Pineapple filling (homemade or store-bought
1. Cream butter and condensed milk till light.
2. Add in egg yolk one at a time, and beat until combine.
3. Mix in flour, mix till become a soft and not sticky dough.
4. Roll pineapple filling into ball (8g each) and roll dough into ball (10g each).
5. Flatten a piece of dough and place a piece of the roll pineapple filling in the middle. Bring the edges of the dough together and press lightly to seal. Roll it in between your palms to shape it into a roll.
6. Cut few lines on the pineapple balls to create pineapple pattern, apply egg wash with a brush.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 165C (fan forced) for 23mins or till golden brown.
8. Cool completely before storing.

Homemade pineapple filling

1.5kg pineapple flesh (from ripe pineapple but not over ripe) , process finely in a food processor (do not add water)

250g coarse sugar (adjust accordingly)


1. Cook pineapple flesh together with the juices in a wok over medium low heat until water reduced, stir from time to time.

2. Add in sugar and cook over low heat till thick, stir from time to time, takes about 1 hour.

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


  1. assalam Bro Ady....mcm dah nak raya dah ni...eheee...sedap tgk tart ni...pebret

  2. fuhhh....mmg i dpt bayangkan kecairannya dlm mulut... :)

  3. nampak sedap pineapples tart tu ady....

  4. Salam Ady. Menggoda nya.... sapa yg tak suka kuih ni kan... sebalang pon leh abiskan sekali hadap....hehehe

  5. da cuba resepi ni..mmg sedap... tq for sharing yaaaa
