
Monday, January 27, 2014

Puding Jagung

Puding Jagung

NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!
80 gm tepung kastard
200 ml buttermilk
418g jagung berkrim
1½ sudu besar serbuk agar-agar
400 ml Santan
300 ml air
100 gm gula pasir
Sedikit pewarna kuning 
Cara membuat:
1. Larutkan tepung kastard dengan sedikit buttermilk . Tapiskan ke dalam periuk.
2. Masukkan baki buttermilk , jagung, serbuk agar-agar, santan, air, gula , garam dan pewarna kuning.
3. Kacau atas api perlahan hingga pekat.
4. Tuangkan campuran puding ke dalam loyang atau acuan (b,asahkan dulu) dan biar keras.
5. Simpan di dalam peti sejuk sebelum disajikan.

*****Happy weekend******* 
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ikan Bakar Ala Arab

Ikan Bakar 
Ala Arab
Resepi by Lydia HoneyLydia Honey
NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!! 
Seekor ikan-medium saiz 
1 biji bawang besar,medium saiz-didadu halus
2 ulas bawang putih-ditumbuk halus
Sedikit daun parsely-dihiris halus
Sedikit daun corainder-dihiris halus
Sedikit daun dill-dihiris halus
1 biji medium tomato-didadu kecil
1/2 cmt serbuk kunyit
1/2 cmt cumin powder
1/4 cmt black peper powder
1/2 cmt paprika powder
1/2 cmt arab mix spices
garam secukup rasa
1/4 cawan minyak zaitun
1/2 biji lemon-ambil jusnya
1 biji bawang besar dihiris bulat2*
Campurkan semua bahan dalam mangkuk kecuali ikan/bahan bertanda*, gaul sebati.
Lumurkan pada keseluruhan ikan. 
Letakkan/susunkan bawang besar dia ats ikan dan biarkan seketika, dalam 10 minit dan bakar/grillkan hingga masak..
Sedia untuk di hidangkan.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Thai Style Green Curry Crab

Thai Style 
Green Curry Crab 
NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!
1 medium size mud crab (about 700 gr)
1  tbsp kaffir lime juice
salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp vegetable oil
100 ml thick coconut cream
100 ml coconut milk
1  L water

Homemade Thai Green Curry Recipe From Scratch
Corriander Root for Making Thai Green Curry Recipe 
Thai Green Curry Paste recipe :
12 green chilies (cayenne pepper), deseeded
6 green bird eye chillies, or more for preference hotness
6 shallots
4 cloves garlic
3 cm galangal root
3 cm ginger root
2 cm turmeric root
4 stalk lemongrass, use the soft white inner part only
6 corriander ROOTS + the leaves
1/2 cup fresh thai lemon basil leaves
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/4 tsp. coriander seed
3 Tbsp. fish sauce
1 tsp. shrimp paste
1 tsp. brown sugar 

 Thai green curry paste :
Place all ingredients in a food processor, chopper, or blender.
Process well to form a fragrant Thai green curry paste. Taste-test it for salt and spice.
Heat up 1  tbsp oil in a heavy botton pan, saute all ingredient until done and the oil is separated and dripped out from the green curry paste
Add the coconut oil and bring to boil, reduce the heat and simmer about 10 minutes.
 Your curry paste is now ready to be used. You can bottle up any leftovers and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Freeze there after. 

How to make crab in Thai green curry :
Clean the crab, discard the greyish green tomaley and save the egg/roe
Mix the crab with salt, pepper and lime juice, marinade about 15 minutes in the fridge
Drained and pat dry the crab, set aside
Pour the water, coconut cream and coconut milk and green curry paste in a sauce pan, bring it to boil
Add the crab and bring it to boil again, reduce the heat and simmer or about 10 minutes until the crab is done and the green curry sauce is thicken
Garnish with lemon basil leaves and served immediately

****Have a lovely week!*****

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kuih Koci / / Kuih Tradisional #2

Kuih Koci

NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!
a) inti
kelapa parut-jangan yang tua sangat.nanti bila makan terasa kasar pada tekak
gula merah
sedikit gula pasir
air secukupnya
daun pandan

b) doh
tepung pulut
air garam
air secukupnya 

c) daun pisang secukupnya yang telah terlebih dahulu dilayur 
 seketika di atas api 

1. untuk membuat inti, campurkan semua bahan tadi dan masak hingga sebati.setelah agak pekat, angkat dan sejukkan seketika.
2. kemudian,bentukkan ia bulat-bulat untuk dimasukkan ke dalam doh nanti
3. sementara itu,bancuh tepung pulut dengan sebati dan leperkannya di atas daun pisang-terlebih dahulu daun pisang tersebut disapukan dengan minyak masak sedikit supaya
kuih tidak melekat nanti apabila dibuka. 

4. masukkan inti tadi dalam tepung tersebut dan bungkuslah seperti rupa kuih 
 koci.lakukan hingga selesai.
5. panaskan air untuk mengukus dan bila mendidih bolehlah dikukus kuih tadi
 dalam 10-15 minit sahaja. 

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Monday, January 13, 2014

Chicken Bukhari (Nasi Bukhari Ayam)

Chicken Bukhari 
(Nasi Bukhari Ayam)

NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!

2 ekor ayam- dipotong 4
3 biji tomato- dadu kasar
2-3 sudu besar Tomato paste
3 biji bawang besar dimayang
3-4 ulas bawang putih cincang halus
1/4 sudu teh lada hitam powder
Carrot- potong tipis memanjang
1/2 camt arab mix spice- saya letak 1camt
3-4 biji buah pelaga
Sebatang kulit kayu manis
2-3 helai daun bay
Garam secukup rasa
Air secukupnya
3/4 cawn Minyak@ ghee
2 kiun pati Ayam MAGGI
4 cawan beras basmathi, cuci, rendam air garam sejam dan toskan.
Almonds @ pine nuts goreng utk taburan. -saya letak Cashew nut
Panaskan minyak@ ghee dan gorengkan bawang besar dan bawang putih sehingga light brown dan masukkan  buah pelaga , kayu manis, daun bay , Tomato paste , tomato  dadu , arab mix spice , lada hitam gorengkan sebentar lalu masukan air , ayam dan carrots, rebuskan sehingga empuk. 

Masukkan ciken kiub dan teruskan merebus.
Keluarkan ayam dari periuk dan susunkan ke dalam dulang pembakar. Sapukan sedikit minyak dan tomato paste di atasnya dan bakar dalam oven sehingga golden.. Guna api grill atau api atas jer. 

Dalam periuk tadi.. Add in beras dan tanaklah sehingga nasik masak sempurna.
Hidangkan nasi dengan ayam bakar di atasnya dan taburkan almond atau pine nuts diatasnya. Sedia untuk dihidangkan. 
Note: cover periuk dengan kitchen towel atau aluminium foil supaya nasik madak sempurna cantiknya.

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bubur Durian Kacang Hijau

Durian Kacang Hijau
NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!

*1 paket kacang hijau
*gula melaka
*gula pasir
*daun pandan
* garam biasa pun boleh (secukup rasa)
*beberapa ulas isi durian 

 Rebuskan kacang hijau dengan secubit garam dan daun pandan sehingga agak2 empuk.
 Masukkan isi durian dengan biji nya sekali dan masak sehingga isinya lembut.

(Kalau kering masukkan air masak sedikit demi sedikit)
 Masukkan gula melaka dan juga gula pasir.
 Akhir sekali baru masukkan santan pekat dan kacau sebati.
 Biarkan mendidih sebentar.  Matikan api dan sedia untuk di hidang.

Best regards,
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Lepat Ubi / Kuih Tradisional #1

Lepat Ubi 

NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!! 
Bahan-bahan :
1 kg ubi kayu
kelapa parut putih- secukupnya
gula melaka - secukupnya
gula pasir - secukupnya
Secubit garam
Daun pisang - dilayur secukupnya
Caranya :
Ubi kayu diparut.
Perah parutan ubi kayu guna kain. Buang airnya.
Satukan semua bahan. Gaul rata.
Sudukan dalam daun pisng, lipat seperti biasa.
Kukus 1/2 jam.
Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Roasted Cassava

NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!
2 pounds Cassava (yuca), Peeled
2 teaspoons Salt
2 teaspoons Chili Powder*
½ teaspoons Garlic Powder*
⅛ teaspoons Red Pepper*
½ teaspoons Paprika*
1-½ teaspoon Cumin*
¾ teaspoons Black Pepper*
1 teaspoon Salt
1 can Cooking Oil Spray 
( put more*the ingredient if you like it Hot & Spicy)
Preheat oven to 400 F. Slice cassava into fat French fry sized pieces. 
Fill a large pot 1/2 full of water. Bring water to a boil and add 2 teaspoons salt. Add cassava and boil for 15 minutes or until softened. Drain off the water.
Mix all of the spices together in a medium to large bowl. Add cassava and toss so that all of the fries are coated well.
Spray cassava with oil and toss again. Spray again. 
Spray a broiler pan with oil. Spread cassava out on pan. Spray top of cassava with oil.
Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes. Turn over the cassava and spray with oil. Cook 10 more minutes
Can be served with salsa and sour cream. 

Best regards,

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ouzi Lahma

Ouzi Lahma
Recepi by :Lydia HoneyLydia Honey
NOTE : All images are the property of Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. Let me make this clear: PLEASE DON"T STEAL MY PICTURES or IDEAS( Presentation), it's not cool AND it's illegal!!

1 kg daging kambing bertulang (ikut sukan nk banyak mana)
2 cawan basmathi- basuh dan rendam air garam sejam
Kulit kayu manis, lada hitam, buah pelaga, halia, bawang besar- potong kasar, bunga cengkih, cumin powder, corainder powder, pinch of turmeric, bay leave, bawang  putih- hiris kasar**
Badam -tak letak
Minyak masak untuk menumis
Bawang besar- di dadu halus
Mix vegetable -tak letak
Garam secukup rasa
Dalam presure cooker, masukkan air secukupnya dan rebus daging bersama bahan bertanda** sehingga empuk..biar daging hampir terlerai dari tulangnya dan masukkan garam. 
Offkan api, asingkan daging dan tapiskan stock..ketepikan sebentar.

Dalam periuk lain, panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bawang sehingga naik bau, masukkan mix vege, gorengkan sedikit dan masukkan daging rebus tadi. Goreng sehingga daging keperangan di kedua bahagian dan masukkan beras serta air rebusan daging yang masih panas tadi dan tanaklah nasi sehingga masak seperti biasa.
Angkat dan hidangkan dalam pinggan hidangan, taburkan bawang goreng dan badam goreng.

Panaskan ghee dan gorengkan badam sehingga keperangan. Angkat dan curahkan ke atas nasik dalam pinggan hidangan dan sedia untuk dimakan bersama salad, sup, plain yogurt.

***Have a fun Weekend Everyone** *

Ady Greatsword Empire Kitchen Recipes,,